
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Fall Is In The Air


Fall is in the air, I'm approaching the end of the season at the Lodge at Whitehawk Restaurant. 
Its been a fun and frustrating first year, so much to learn, so much to do each day. 
But I wouldn't trade it for any other job!

Business is up, customers are happy, I have managed to keep the prices down all season, and the books are showing a profit. Not bad for my first year. 

Working with the public is always a challenge, pleasing everyone is just not an option, but pleasing 99% of them is acceptable. We have had some amazing groups in this year, made it all look so easy at times, but we have also had our bad days where nothing seems to go right. 
Welcome to the restaurant business !

My life has pretty much been on hold since we opened last May,  I am looking forward to some time off this winter but at the same time I am looking forward to our opening next May. I will spend the winter going over the menu, checking the receipts, and finding ways to save money next season. I also hope to get caught up on things around the house that have been put on the back burner this past summer.  

On a personal note, I look forward to getting back to trying new recipes for my blog, doing more posting then I have had time to the past 5 months, and interacting with all of you that follow me here. Thanks for your patients this past season when my blog posts were few and far between. I hope you all stick around until winter when I have time to post more often. 

Until then, its back to work for me, just 42 days left until the doors to the restaurant close for the winter. 

Lodge at Whitehawk Restaurant

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